Global trend report: #What Matters
Only 1 in ten people in Germany can claim to live sustainably, according to a study by Human8 (formerly InSites Consulting and Happy Thinking People) in the annual Trend-Report „What Matters“.. The study examined people's sustainability efforts and their expectations of brands. The topics of the four-part study originate from an insight community in ten countries and were quantified by 13,028 consumers in 17 countries. The global study contains a clear message for Germany: 75 percent of people believe that brands must take responsibility in order to secure the future of our planet. 67% of the Germans surveyed believe that it is not just a matter of maintaining the status quo of the environmental damage that has occurred, but of reversing it. While traditional sustainability focuses primarily on maintaining the current state of affairs, regenerative sustainability expands this thinking. According to Human8, this is what it should be about.
Source: and