Mattel recognized for dedication to creating play by California State Legislature

The California State Legislature has recognized Mattel for its dedication to creating play experiences that bring joy and enrichment to children’s lives as part of proclaiming June 11, 2024, as International Day of Play in California.

What is IDOP?

This inaugural International Day of Play (IDOP) is a global movement adopted by the United Nations certifying that play is a fundamental right for every child. The resolution passed, marking California as the first west coast state to do so, and encourages communities and stakeholders across the state on June 11, and throughout the month, to further raise awareness of the importance of play and promote and celebrate playfulness, creativity, and fun.

Steve Totzke, President and Chief Commercial Officer of Mattel said: “Mattel is honored to serve as ambassadors in championing International Day of Play in California. Our purpose is to empower generations to explore the wonder of childhood and reach their full potential and we are proud to support this inaugural moment to help provide children with the opportunity to embrace their fundamental right to play and thrive.”

After the resolution's presentation, Mattel unveiled its IDOP play kits to legislators, which will later be donated to Save the Children.
