Hinweis für unsere Messebesucher

Spielwarenmesse is a specialised trade fair.
For this reason, admission tickets can only be purchased if you are a trade professional. Persons under 16 years of age will not be admitted – excluding children up to the age of 6 months accompanied by an approved fair participant.

Please keep in mind that our tickets are available only online, meaning that admission tickets will not be sold at the venue

Please note:Wheeled luggage, suitcases, large bags and the like must be left in the cloakroom.

Acquisition in return for payment with handover of products at the Spielwarenmesse (“over-the-counter sales”) is not permitted.

The Toy Association announces new Chief Policy Officer

The Toy Association Inc., the business trade association representing a wide array of manufacturers, retailers, licensors, and others involved in the youth entertainment industry, announced today that Kathrin Belliveau, who most recently served as EVP and Chief Purpose Officer at Hasbro, will be joining the organization in the newly created role of Chief Policy Officer.

Ed Desmond will leave The Toy Association

After 16 years of service to the toy industry, Ed Desmond, Executive Vice President, Global Government & Regulatory Affairs, will be leaving The Toy Association to pursue new consulting opportunities.

Kathrin Belliveau will join

Kathrin Belliveau will join The Toy Association as Chief Policy Officer, effective November 18. She will be responsible for global regulatory affairs and representation, toy safety and ethics initiatives, marketing and strategic communications, and consumer outreach. Belliveau will oversee both the Global Government & Regulatory Affairs and Strategic Communications departments, reporting to Greg Ahearn. Her direct reports include Adrienne Appell, EVP, marketing communications, Owen Caine, VP, government affairs, Jos Huxley, SVP technical affairs and Joan Lawrence, SVP standards & regulatory affairs.

Seasoned leader in global regulatory affairs

Belliveau is a seasoned leader in global regulatory affairs, corporate social responsibility, and international business with more than 25 years of experience in the consumer and children's products industry. While serving as EVP and Chief Purpose Officer at Hasbro, she was a member of the executive leadership team, overseeing global regulatory, government, and corporate affairs. Her tenure at Hasbro included a variety of roles where she held responsibility for safety, quality assurance, sustainability, ethical sourcing, philanthropy & social impact functions as well as The Hasbro Foundation.

Source: www.toyassociation.org/PressRoom2/News/2024_News/the-toy-association-announces-new-chief-policy-officer.aspx