Toei Animation’s ‘Hypergalactic’ Game Universe launches

Toei Animation, in collaboration with Spaceport and Twin Atlas is excited to announce Hypergalactic: Monkey Quest, a Roblox game launched in support of the upcoming feature film, Hypergalactic. This highly anticipated game, developed by 2023 Roblox Studio of the Year Twin Atlas, serves as the central player hub for a connected universe of interconnected games and experiences on Roblox beginning with an additional 7 games, all licensed through Spaceport Technologies. Studios developing the soon to be released games and experiences include Banana Studios, Boss Studio, Brave Turtles, Fire Games, Intention Entertainment, Method Men Studios and Misfits Gaming.

Monkey Quest

Monkey Quest, the core game at the center of the Hypergalactic Universe, offers fans a first glimpse into the vibrant and action-packed world of Hypergalactic, featuring immersive gameplay, stunning visuals, and engaging storylines. As players navigate through the core game, they will have the opportunity to explore interconnected games that expand on the Hypergalactic universe, each offering unique experiences and exclusive content. Players can transport themselves to the different games by utilizing portals that are strategically positioned in the game. This gives them an ever-growing variety of games and experiences that currently range from tower defense style games to restaurant management to themed takeovers, and will grow over time.

Milestone for Toei Animation and Spaceport

Le Zhang, Founder and CEO of Spaceport, shared his excitement: "The launch of the Hypergalactic core game on Roblox is a major milestone for Toei Animation and Spaceport. By creating a central hub and connecting it with a universe of licensed games, we are providing fans with a comprehensive and dynamic series of experiences that will introduce them to the most exciting new IP from Toei Animation.“
